Sabtu, 24 Juli 2010


Naval figure

I regret to admit it, but the great and terrible Frederic Beigbeder thus, paradoxically, is human. Love actually includes three successive phases. No, of course, it's not three years. Love can last for decades. Lucky they live together until old age, mere mortals flee. How are things with a French decadent?

"In the first year they say:" If you go, I will kill myself. "

In the second year they say: "If you go, I will be hurt, but I will survive."

In the third year they say: "If you go, I obmoyu is champagne.

Vibrations, waves, the ups and downs ...

A sea upset again

"In the first year to buy furniture"
Frederic Beigbeder

Who of us knows the feeling, when only meets his love, when I first looked into his eyes and drown in them? Then take the first tentative steps, you come trying to talk and not feel like an idiot at the same time. With age, this process is harder and harder: the legs do not obey, tongue-tied, vocabulary runs out at the sight of the most beautiful men on earth. You fall in love. Not gradually. Go. From the edge of the quarry. Stumbling into the pool. Do not you find a place for himself, all the time something is missing. You're like an earthen vessel, which had been found somewhere on the excavation of the ancient city. He gathered up the pieces, glued all the pieces found, but one piece still missing. And not on the neck, and at the very bottom. And it deprives you of balance and fullness. You always lose something, all the time because something is poured.

Every time a new way. Each new boyfriend is not like the previous one. Abdominal something aches and shivers. You seem to drown in the waves of the most beautiful feeling which may have a man. You are extending a hand from the watery depths and shouting: "Help!", But hardly anyone is able to help you. The only recourse - a reply that same feeling. And - oh, the Almighty! - You get this reciprocity. Blessed are those who hunger, for they shall be filled. Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.

And now there is reason not to stay at work, made sense to rush under full sail home. Do not exceed speed, and on public transport with a desperate strength to hold himself, gagged with his hands, so as not to cry out to the driver: "Hurry!" I'm dying without it! " You gasp without him, the air filled with fumes and the heavy smell. Without it, the space expands, you always feel uncomfortable and lonely. Without it, the time is stretched, all processes are slowed down. You do not know what to do with themselves in anticipation of meeting with him.

And then you reach a hand to the phone, because you know: a second call he. He says he misses you. And you will again raises all the sails and catch favorable winds, and cleave the waves, bringing the meeting. As soon as your eyes meet his, time begins to run with incredible speed and space compressed, shrouding your. Only two of you.

Brings you everything. There is nothing that you could divide, distract from each other. Both of you - one. You are viewing each other's thoughts. You can talk incessantly. Watch a movie on the couch in the living room turns into an act of love hot. Do you drink each other, quenches his thirst. "I remember all your cracks" - is just about it.

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